創作者簡介 Bio

現居於台北的Tom Rook出生於英國艾克斯茅斯(Exmouth)。Tom以鉛筆與代針筆細細繪製的畫作,深刻體現了他對於大自然 、建築以及城市歷史的濃厚興趣。城市插畫手札,是從小就著迷於城市地景的Tom,憑著過人的圖像記憶刻畫各處體驗的寶貴紀錄,更是他深入探索、領略各地域的必經過程。


Currently living in Taipei, Tom Rook was born in Exmouth, England. His interests in architecture, the natural world, and urban history come together in meticulous pen and pencil drawings. From a very young age he has been fascinated by urban landscapes. With a more visually oriented memory his drawings of cities serve as a type of journal; a reminder of the experiences he's had in each place. They're also part of a process through which he explores each location in depth and understands the world around him.

He frequently explores the history and changes written upon a city and recreates detailed views of places in different eras. Viewers often use his drawings to re-call their own stories and memories of a locale and he enjoys the sense of connection and new knowledge this brings. Tom also spends a lot of time in nature and drawings of insects form a large part of his work. As cities across the world expand into their edgelands, the biodiversity of the insect world often suffers. His drawings capture this intersection between nature and the urbanizing world.