

These three towers are made from existing Chiayi buildings and each is representative of a particular era. Gongyuan was inspired by the bold geometric designs of the 1950’s and 60’s. Hinoki uses the wooden houses and pitched roofs of the early 1930’s. Jiuchang was built from the industrial art deco architecture of the late 1930’s and 1940’s. Together they shine a light on some of the overlooked architecture and spaces in the city and each is unified by an abstract sky design

絲柏大廈 1933

酒廠大廈 1947

Chiayi city buildings drawn and put together as a tower. Historic building facades. 1960s style geometric buildings

公園大廈 1965


嘉義市大廈系列 , 2016 , 代針筆 , 全部 60 x 30 cm


No print series
