領頭羊 藝術典藏款

Yizhan Gallery invites artists each year to create a piece for their ram series

A ram piece for Yizhan Gallery featuring Taichung and Taipei


RAM泛指公羊 PIECE指一塊;片;段。命名 RAM PIECE 意味著藝術的領頭羊將拾起一幅幅藝術作品從原點起逞,跨過層層野嶺。以心為軌,連起一座島嶼;以地為緣,尋覓一份真摯。

RAM PIECE領頭羊藝術典藏款,由Yizhan Art Gallery藝站當代藝廊發行,全球限量600件,攜手國內外各領域的藝術家合作,以原創手繪、綜合媒材、多元技法的創作方式呈現,每一件都是獨一無二的藝術瑰寶。無論多崎嶇險峻的山路仍堅毅不拔的往上爬,象徵『領頭羊』特性,如同許多創業者在創業過程中所經歷的挫折困難,仍堅持撐起目標努力實踐,最終將成為該領域的領導者。因此深受企業家及名人的喜愛與收藏。

The artist Tom Rook draw the ram piece for Yizhan Gallery

This ram is an explorer traveling through the urban landscape, observing and recording it. After exploring the alley ways and characterful buildings of Dadaocheng they reflected on his horn and his face. On his other horn 101 grew as a symbol of his second home along with the dense chaos of modern Taipei. On his back, stomach, and legs the streetscapes of Taichung appeared as he wandered further from home and discovered the stories of Taiwan’s middle city. On his arms are his favorite old railway stations, often the start and end of an adventure.

The back of Tom Rook art's ram piece for Yizhan

Although the Ram has a few parts of Taipei on him he is mostly Taichung. He has been exhibited in the National Theater there and that building is also featured on his stomach. He has his own page on the Yizhan website here so that will take the place of the usual “artwork details” section I place here