

The Tianwaitian Theater was built in 1936 near Taichung Train Station. It was one of the finest performance venues in central Taiwan and had an unusual roof design. Despite this, in recent decades it fell into ruin and was mostly gutted. Although many went through huge efforts to have the building protected and restored it was sadly demolished in 2021.

I had first come across the theater in 2013 when I was drawing Taichung. It was hidden in the middle of a block surrounded by housing. I thought it was pretty unique building and realized from the faded sign that was an old theater. It was with some sadness I had to erase it from the second edition of that map. I drew it here as a sort of tribute. It sits restored and open among the houses and small shops of the surrounding block. Below are the drawing and some photos of the theater and area I took


天外天劇場 , 2022 , 代針筆 , 31 x 22 cm


